Todd "Scratch" Mortenson is the overarching protagonist of The Ghost and Molly McGee. He is Scratch's original human body, and as such not only looks like Scratch, he also shares his voice actor, Dana Snyder. He used to live at 41 Oak Street in Brighton, USA.
Todd basically is to Brighton what Eeyore is to the Hundred Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh: a human embodiment of the town's actual misery, and this is most especially noted in his debut appearance in "Getting the Band(shell) Back Together", when Molly and Darryl stopped at his house first for their fundraiser for said community project, and he responded by slamming the door on their faces.
Even after Molly's influence restored happiness and a sense of community to the rest of the town, Todd keeps refusing to crack a smile even during happy moments, such as when he appeared in "Monumental Disaster" when the rest of Brighton was cheering at the unveiling of the statue of Ezekiel Tugbottom, and he just glumly stated "I'm inspired". In that same episode, it was hinted that the reason Todd is so miserable all the time is because the mayor keeps singling him out, especially in food related occasions such as potlucks and the mayor's eighth birthday party, as Todd keeps insisting that cups count as a contribution, and the mayor says that they don't, forcing him to go home more miserable than usual.
In "The End" Scratch's memories were unlocked when he entered the soulless body of Todd Mortenson because they are literally one and the same. When Scratch was a human and alive, he never actually "lived" on account of his fear of death, and thus made a habit of staying in comfort zones (never quit his office job even though it was soul crushing, and passing time eating junk food in front of the TV) and constantly telling a friend "maybe next time" whenever called with an invitation to do something else, namely follow his childhood dream of seeing the world, until he got so numb that nobody noticed he was literally soulless even though his human eyes lost the light. His experience as a wraith, namely thanks to Molly's influence, made him perkier and more willing to take risks upon returning to his body, even if he doesn't seem to remember where the sudden changes in vocabulary and lifestyle choices even came from, especially since (ironically) his human self doesn't even believe in ghosts. Those things aside, however, Todd is still Scratch underneath: crude yet kind, theatrical in his movements when he puts his feelings into his words, and a full out foodie.
- Todd bears a distinct vocal and physical resemblance to Scratch, and his unusually "soulless" nature has been highlighted by Scratch, leading some to suspect that Scratch is a wraith, a human soul without a body. It is also notable that Scratch has almost no memories from when he was a human. This turn out to be confirmed in the episode "The End", when Scratch finally remembers his human identity.
- Fitting for a man who lost his soul and became dead inside, his name contains the words "Tod", German for death, and "mort", French for death.
- Since the two of them are one in the same, that means Scratch was technically haunting/tormenting himself whenever he stole Todd's food, and neither half ever realized it. This may or may not signify how people with depression often make their condition worse while being unaware they are doing so.
- Even though Scratch doesn't like raisins, Todd ordered a literal ton of them online, indicating a soulless person doesn't really care what they eat as long as they get to eat.