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Molly: I've been accused of optimistic overstatements before, but today is truly special because it's Friday! ♪It's F-R-I Day♪ ♪Best day of the week!♪ ♪Except for every other day, Friday is the peak!♪
Libby: [sighs] I wish I could join your jubilation, Molly. But today is Friday the 13th.
[thunder roars]
Libby: My usually bad luck will be extra terrible. [Gets shocked by lightning]
Molly: Pffff, luck's not a real thing! And Friday the 13th is just hokey superstition!
Scratch: Sorry, Moll. Libby's right. Luck is very real.
[wind blows]
Scratch: Case in point.
Libby: It has begun.
Scratch: Normally, good and bad luck co-exist in harmony, two sides of a perfectly balanced scale. But on Friday the 13th, everything is amplified. People with bad luck, like our friend Libster here, are extra unlucky.
Libby: [grunts] Uhgh! Take my dollar 25 and my dignity.
Scratch: Meanwhile, people with good luck are extra lucky!
Molly: Wow! Two bags of chips?
Libby: [sigh] Lucky you.
Molly: [gasps] Scratch! Can you use your ghosty powers to give Libby good luck?
Libby: Please Scratch, please! To be free of bad luck, just for a day!
Scratch: I mean, I could feel radically transfer it--
Molly: Great, heard enough! Transfer my luck to Libby!
Scratch: Whoa! These are powerful magic forces, Moll. You can't just expect me to--
Molly: I'll give you these Fireblast Jalapeno crunchies--
Scratch: Done, no take backs!
Scratch: Now, some would consider a lucky penny cliche, but I like to think of it as tastefully classic. Now gimme some room. [vocal warm-ups] [clears throat] A ghostly ghoul gifted great guavas to a gander of ghastly geese. I HEREBY TIP THE SCALES OF FORTUNE,
Libby: He's so dramatic when he curses.
Molly: I know. Isn't it cute?
Libby: I actually caught it! It didn't hit me in the face and I didn't accidentally swallow it! My luck's already turned around!
Scratch: Wow. These Fireblast Jalapeno Crunchies really live up to their name. [crunch] Listen to that crunch. Ah. Whoa. Ooh, spicy on the back end. It really sneaks up on ya there!
Molly: Aw, what? Come on! There's gum on my shoe!
Libby: [sniffing] I'd be more concerned with your other shoe.
Scratch: [sniffing] Eww. Smells like Mister Bates brought the corgis to school again.
Molly: [sniffs] Ugh!
[upbeat music playing]
Singer: ♪Good luck!♪
♪ Bad Luck!♪
Molly: Ahh!
Singer: ♪Two cosmic forces Diametrically opposed♪
♪It's good luck!♪
♪Bad luck!♪
♪One hits the jackpot♪
♪While the other Hits her nose♪
♪Watch her go♪
♪She can't help but succeed♪
♪Meanwhile, She's about to realize♪
♪Where that dog just peed♪
Molly: Ugh! Seriously?
Singer: ♪Good luck, Score a goal♪
♪Bad luck, unseen hole♪
♪It's all about control♪
♪It all comes down to luck♪
Libby: This has been the best day of my life! Thanks for donating your good luck, Molly.
Molly: Yeah. I'm happy for you, Libby. But now I understand why you hate Friday the 13th.
Scratch: Been a pretty good day for me, though. [stomach rumbles] Yup. You know, I thought messing with luck was bound to spiral out of control and lead to universe-threatening peril, but nope. Everything is a fine. Rules. Who needs 'em? [burps]
Molly: Yelp!
Libby: [gasp] No. My lucky penny!
Ice Cream Lady: Oh, our digital payment system just went down. So this one's on the house!
Andrea: Free ice cream? Wow! Must be my lucky day!
[all gasp]
Scratch: Uh, this is bad.
Molly: What? So, Andrea has the penny, can't you just whip up another one?
Scratch: No, no, no, you don't get it. Andrea's already lucky.
Andrea: I mean, I could buy this whole stand with my allowance, but I super appreciate the gesture.
Scratch: So? With the lucky penny, her luck will hit critical mass and create a Luck Suck, a vortex that will suck in all luck until there's none left!
Molly & Libby: [both] Oh.
Andrea: Oh, my gosh. Thank you.
Kat: [scream]
Scratch: It's already started.
[upbeat music playing]
Mrs. Roop: Ahh! Help!
Principal O'Connor: Phew. Aww, my favorite shirt!
Mrs. Roop: [screaming]
Scratch: This is exactly why I didn't want to mess with cosmic forces! And all for one bag of chips!
Molly: It was two.
Scratch: Oh, right. That's totally worth it! [scream] Only way to stop the burn is to keep eating! Ah. That's science.
Molly: So we have to get that penny back from Andrea, or everyone in Brighton will lose their luck?
Scratch: Yeah, basically.
Libby: Well then, obviously we need to--oomph!
Libby: We need to--
Libby: We need--
Molly: You have enough problems right now, Libby. Scratch and I will fix this!
Scratch: Geez, they're like magnets!
Molly: I'll just sneak up and grab the penny, right? How hard could it be?
Andrea: Aw! Is that for me?
[car crashes]
Molly: Ahhh!
Molly & Scratch: [both screaming]
Libby: Oh, come on. Spare me just once! Not the bags. Not the bags!
Molly: You got this, Scratch! Pilfer that purloined penny!
Maxwell: Button! You're home! [whistles] One of our business associates was offloading an extra pony. And we thought "Wouldn't that make a neat 'Just Because' surprise?"
Andrea: I'm so lucky!
Molly: Go, Scratch! Now!
Scratch: [grunts] Such a small pony. Such big pain.
Andrea: Greetings Fawn-dreas. I'm having a particularly good day. But what am I going to do tonight? Two Atomic Pink backstage passes! Hashtag lucky me, Hashtag grateful, Hashtag I deserve it! Who wants to come with?
[crowd cheering]
Molly & Scratch: [grunting]
Scratch: Ah. It's no use! Andrea's luck is protecting her!
Molly: Oh, if only there was a way to counteract her good luck.
Scratch: We'd need something or someone really unlucky.
Libby: Ahh! I hate Friday the 13th!
Scratch: You know, I wish we'd thought of this before we got kicked by that stupid pony.
Libby: Oh, wait. You're saying I can fix this?
Scratch: It's the only way Libby! We have to harness the power of your bad luck for good.
Molly: Your bad, bad luck.
Libby: If it's bad luck you need, then I'm your woman! Let's do-- Can I not have one second to feel heroic?
[tornado blowing]
[door beeps]
[horn blows]
Store Worker: Congratulations on being our 1,000th customer! Please treat this accolade with the honor it deserves.
[door beeps]
Molly: You can do this, Libby. Let's get our luck back!
Libby: Hi, uh, Andrea? So, um, I'm collecting change for, uh, a good cause?
Andrea: What's the cause?
Libby: Uh, children with... too many toys?
Andrea: Ugh, I know the feeling.
Molly, Scratch & Libby: Really?
Andrea: Yeah, it's, like, where do you put them all? You only have so many guest rooms, right? Anyway, I am feeling extra generous today because more good things than usual keep happening to me.
[ominous music playing]
[electricity crackles]
[thunder roars]
Andrea: Sadly... I don't carry cash, I'm strictly digital. Oh, but hang on. I have this tiny brown quarter. Might be Canadian? Would you want that?
Libby: Yes! Thank you!
Molly & Scratch: [both] No!
Libby: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Store Worker: Wait! There's been a serious math error. You're actually the 999th customer! Give those back! You didn't earn these!
Molly: It worked! The Luck Suck's gone!
Scratch: Wahoo!
Molly: You saved the day, Libby!
Libby: Yeah. It was nice being lucky for a bit, but wow, is it high pressure. Besides, if I'm lucky enough to have friends like you, that's all the luck I need.
Molly: Aww!
Scratch: Now gimme that penny before you two cause any more damage. [clears throat] I HEREBY RE-BALANCE THE SCALES OF FORTUNE...
Libby: He really leans into the performance.
Molly: And no formal training.
Molly: I'm sorry, Scratch. I shouldn't have pressured you into messing with luck.
Scratch: Yeah. That's what I tried to tell you! But you had to resort to bribery, didn't you? You know I can't say jalepen-NO to these delectable spice bombs! I'm starting to think you're a bad influence.
Libby: So, does that mean our luck's back to normal, or?
[car alarm beeping]
Scratch: Yes. Yes, it is.